Wednesday, January 1, 2014

Merry Xmas & A Happy New Year!! :DD

*We wish you a Merry Christmas, we wish you a Merry Christmas♪*
*We wish you a Merry Christmas, and a Happy New Year♫*

Happy 2014 guys!! :)) Yes I know Xmas has already passed and gone, but I didn't have time for an Xmas post! *cringe*

Yeah so instead I'm gonna do a New Year post with all my resolutions and stuff :D Though I have no idea why I put Merry Xmas in the title.. ._. I guess it's cuz that song is the only song I know with "Happy New Year" in it? :O Yeah whatevs. -.- I'm too lazy to change it anyway.

It's the yr 2014 now!! 2013 has gone with the wind (and all those freaking annoying fire crackers. You're juz minding ur own business when all of a sudden one of these fire cracker things ur neighbor has set up goes off and it scares the daylights outta you. I can relate. D:) and 2014 has arrived! So let's juz throw away all the sorrows and grief of 2013 and welcome our dear ol' 2014 with outstretched arms, will ya? :)

New Year juz isn't New Year without a New Year's Resolution huh? :3 Yep. Last year I didn't even have a NYR list and my whole life was a big muddled mess. :/ Okay I'm exaggerating agn.. =3= Nah my 2013 wasn't technically a mess but it was really nothing special ╮(╯3╰)╭ Hmph. So I'm gonna change everything by coming up with my own NYR list!! :))

Lyn's New Year's Resolutions List

1.Get my skul grades up a little. 
Yeah so in 2013 my skul grades were an eensy-weensy bit of a chaos. *grimace* Mm hmm. I used to be around a 5th or a 6th position in class, and now my grades are hovering near the number 12 ._. Getting good grades are a HUGE deal in Asia D: You get a good grade; Parents will be like "OMFG my sweetie you're awesomee! I knew you were a genius!!" *proceeds to snap like a million pictures of child holding report card* -.-

2. Hmm..Blog MORE!
Duh. I hope to blog more about my life and travel experiences :) Will try to keep things fresh, though I'm not sure if this is achievable :O (might be a matter of time before I totally forget about this place :/)

3. Ahm...perhaps try to take more care of myself eyesight has been going down a little this past yr, from a previously 200 to a current 400++ :( New motive: Try NOT to get even more short-sighted D:

Last but not least, try to have more fun this yr :) Hehe. As if I'm not already having fun :P But yeah, having more fun with BFFs are my ULTIMATE goals this yr!! :DD

I hope my NYRs can get accomplished in this new yr!! :)) I mean, it isn't that hard, ain't it? :3 *fingers crossed*

So once agn, a HAPPY NEW YEAR to everyone!!!! :) Cheers! ;D

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