Thursday, December 19, 2013

So Freaking Malaysian! :P

Hi guys! :) I feel very satisfied with my last post,, My Random Internet Acronyms xD. :P ー( ´ ▽ ` )ノ LOL. Then suddenly I scrolled through it and found LOTS of typical Malaysian grammar & language in the conversation xDD (๑>ᴗ<๑) So I decided I'd come up agn with a whole list of "So Freaking Malaysian" language! ;P ✖‿✖

So freaking Malaysian! :D ┌(˘⌣˘)ʃ

Oh yes. Singapore's language is much like Malaysia's too ._. I guess that makes it "So Freaking Malaysian & Singaporean?" O_O ⊙▽⊙

#PS: Oh yes. "Agn" is abbreviation for "again" :)

Just in case you missed that post I've written yesterday,, here's the conversation in it:

-in the car-
A: Hey bro, what u wanna get for lunch?
B: Idk leh. Anything u want lah.
A: Walao. What idk!? Think of something lah OMFG. Faster leh green light liao.
B: WTF. I say suibian already lor. Green light green light lah. Go past liao can U-turn what.
A: 'kay lah 'kay lah. McD's can? 
B: Yalah McD's lah. Eh dude, u heard abt C and D or not? They juz *yadda yadda blah blah blah yak yak* lor.
A: Yes ah? Fuiyoh. When u heard wan?
B: Juz now nia. E msged me few min ago nia.
A: Eh bro. Y u keep using abbreviations for like everything wan ah? So freaking annoying u know.
B: What damn abbreviation? This is short form lah! Short form for everything, talk faster mah. Like u meh, slow coach. We busy ppl no slack around like u wan lah.
A: What slow coach? Slow my foot. Unlike u ah, everyday SMS here, WeChat there, Facebook here, Twitter there, gossip gossip like auntie!
B: Who auntie?! @#$%&*$^(^%@

Okayy,, so I'm juz gonna highlight every single freaking Malaysian in the dialogue and explain :) ∩( ・ω・)∩
  1. "what u wanna": Yes. Typical Malaysian broken English ╮(╯▽╰)╭ Don't blame us; we are a multilingual country and the upsaid phrase is translated directly from Bahasa Malaysia: "Apa awak mau" (⌒▽⌒)
  2. "Leh": It doesn't have a specific meaning. Juz a suffix to emphasize on the word/sentence before it. EG: I didn't take it leh!/You went the wrong way leh!
  3. "Lah: Also doesn't have specific meaning. Used mostly to emphasize the word/sentence before it and also to express exclamation. EG: I don't understand what are you talking about lah!/So late liao, go home lah! (〜 ̄▽ ̄)〜
  4. "Walao": Oh haha. A VERY typical Malaysian slang. It is generally used to express shock/surprise/anger or basically anything. ╮(╯3╰)╭ Walao. Really lah! I'm not bluffing 'kay. EG: Walao, damn power lah you!/Walao, that building so freaking tall! ( ̄▽ ̄)ノ
  5. "Liao": It is the meaning of "already" in Chinese. EG: I bath liao. You haven't?/You receive the pay cheque liao? (︶ω︶)
  6. "Suibian": It is Chinese and can be interpreted as "casual(ly)" "simply" "without thought" or even "random(ly)". Synonym to "cincai". EG: What should I wear? Suibian lah!/Suibian do the project lah! ⊙▽⊙
  7. "Lor": Similar to "duh" but is usually put at the end of a sentence. If you're searching for its meaning in Cantonese,, it means "stink" but is more often used as "stupid". EG: Where is he? At home lor!/(Cantonese) He is so lor; he messed up and got fired! (。・ω・。)
  8. "*insert the same thing twice here* lah!": It is to emphasize that the speaker feels nothing of importance about the item/topic. EG: Raining raining lah! What's the big deal?
  9. "What": Actually,, I have no idea what the "what" means at all ._. ( ̄□ ̄;)!! I think it is to emphasize a solution to something. :P EG: Cheer up lah. You can get a new computer what. (⊙…⊙ )
  10. "Yalah": Same meaning as "okay lah". It is also used to agree to someone's suggestion or point. EG: Yalah yalah, go lah!/Yalah, James is right; it's a brilliant idea!
  11. "Eh": Used to address someone. Same meaning as "Oi". Not to be confused with "ei" as it means "to express sudden surprise". EG: Eh! That dude in the black blazer over there!/Eh, did you hear about the new iPhone 5S? (・◇・)
  12. "Or not": Usually used to ask a question or to ask for one's opinion. EG: You got your results already or not?/That shirt cool or not?
  13. "Ah": Can be used to ask a question back to its asker or to express exclamation/shock/fright. EG: You sure about it ah?/Ah, I knew it!
  14. "Fuiyoh": Same meaning as "Whoo!". A term of excitement. Synonym to "wuiyo/wuiyoh". EG: OMG have you heard? They're getting married! Wow really? Fuiyoh! (^ _ ^)/
  15. "Wan": Has no meaning. A suffix put at the end of a sentence. Also spelled as "one" but not to be confused with the original meaning of "one" which is "a possesion of someone". EG: Walao. Huge news, why you never told me wan! =3= ヽ( ̄д ̄;)ノ
  16. "Nia": Hokkien meaning "only" or "just". EG: It happened juz now nia./They got engaged yesterday nia. 
  17. "Mah": To explain about a topic/to defend oneself. EG: I wanted to see how tall I am mah!
  18. "Meh": To ask a question. EG: I got fall asleep meh? :)
Well,, that's all on my list :D. But there are LOTS more out there. I'll just have to add it when I finally think of them :))

Lyn :)

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