Saturday, December 28, 2013

Taichung, Taiwan 2013 -Part 4

So here comes Day 4 (11 Dec)...It's a pretty short post, but with no pictures D: ;(

We shopped all day long at Chung-Yo (中友百货), it's a pretty huge department store, one of the hugest in Taiwan *,* Yeah so I didn't manage to get any pictures as I was so busy shopping *shifts eyes* :P

This is their website:
They've listed all their floor plans and information, so check it out if you're interested :)

Eventually night falls and we headed for the most famous Feng-jia Night Market (逢甲夜市)!! :DD It's really busy and crowded even though we went on a weekday..Who knows how crowded it could get when during weekends? O.o

I did not take any pics of Feng-jia Night Market cuz I left my iPad in the car as it was kinda inconvenient to carry it around. So I took some pics from the Internet to show you guys.. :) Copyrights reserve!! xDD
Ain't it crowded? @,@ Now for the renowned "Big Weiner Wrapped Around Small Weiner" (大肠包小肠)!!
官芝霖大肠包小肠!!!! :) Their Weiners are totally DELICIOUS! Seriously. The queue was so goddamn long, I left my bro queueing in line while I went off to look at the stores next door xD
Nyum nyumz...And no these pics aren't mine either. ._. My pics would've had a row of "" text below. Yes anyways, the ones I had looked exactly like this *.*
After that we walked around while eating..There were like MILLIONS of stores selling clothes/backpacks/random stuff!!! It's another shopping paradise! :D Plus the stuff are so goddamn cheapo! ;D

Yes I know this post is goddamn short... -.- And the sudden lack of photos are juz plain weird. ._. Mm hmm... =3=

[to be continued...]

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