Sunday, December 29, 2013

New web address! :)

Hey guys, so you may have noticed that the web address has changed.. :) Former has become! Yayyy! ;D

Saturday, December 28, 2013

Taichung, Taiwan 2013 -Part 4

So here comes Day 4 (11 Dec)...It's a pretty short post, but with no pictures D: ;(

We shopped all day long at Chung-Yo (中友百货), it's a pretty huge department store, one of the hugest in Taiwan *,* Yeah so I didn't manage to get any pictures as I was so busy shopping *shifts eyes* :P

This is their website:
They've listed all their floor plans and information, so check it out if you're interested :)

Eventually night falls and we headed for the most famous Feng-jia Night Market (逢甲夜市)!! :DD It's really busy and crowded even though we went on a weekday..Who knows how crowded it could get when during weekends? O.o

I did not take any pics of Feng-jia Night Market cuz I left my iPad in the car as it was kinda inconvenient to carry it around. So I took some pics from the Internet to show you guys.. :) Copyrights reserve!! xDD
Ain't it crowded? @,@ Now for the renowned "Big Weiner Wrapped Around Small Weiner" (大肠包小肠)!!
官芝霖大肠包小肠!!!! :) Their Weiners are totally DELICIOUS! Seriously. The queue was so goddamn long, I left my bro queueing in line while I went off to look at the stores next door xD
Nyum nyumz...And no these pics aren't mine either. ._. My pics would've had a row of "" text below. Yes anyways, the ones I had looked exactly like this *.*
After that we walked around while eating..There were like MILLIONS of stores selling clothes/backpacks/random stuff!!! It's another shopping paradise! :D Plus the stuff are so goddamn cheapo! ;D

Yes I know this post is goddamn short... -.- And the sudden lack of photos are juz plain weird. ._. Mm hmm... =3=

[to be continued...]

Friday, December 27, 2013

Taichung, Taiwan 2013 -Part 3

[WARNING: Freaking long post ahead! *bee bo bee bo*]

On Day 3 (10 Dec) we started the day early (Okay lah it was early for me nia.) at around 8 or 9 am? :O My grandmother had set out WAY earlier (6 am! Can you believe it? Well I surely can't ._.) with her sister to visit her brother somewhere. So it was juz me, my parents and my two freaking annoying brothers. Gaaah. O.o

We had breakfast at one of those local kopitiams (a Malaysian verb meaning "small cafes" that usually sell local Malaysian food eg. roti bakar, asam laksa, char kuey teow, nasi lemak, har mee, kopi O, teh beng etc. Must do introduction on all these authentic delicacies someday. :P) nearby :). Local Taiwan kopitiams usually sell soya milk, porridge and of course, YOU-TIAO (油条)! You-tiao, sometimes called You-Char-Kuey (油炸鬼) as well, are actually deep-fried fluffy dough sticks. They taste totally AWESOME when dipped into soya milk (hot or cold depending on ur preferences. I prefer cold soya milk :D). BTW, those You-Tiaos have a hilarious story behind them xD Google it if you're interested cuz I'm too lazy to write it out.. -.-
You-tiao dipped into hot soya milk. 
Notice that the surface of the soya milk is all plastic-y? o.o But anyways, it's totally delicious! :) Though I recommend the cold soya milk more. :P

After brekkie we set off towards Xinshe District (新社区). We were headed for the 新社花海 (a humongous patch of different flowers that all bloom at once. *,* It was said to be magnificient :D). My mom's cousin (I think he's my cousin-uncle or something? ._.) told my Dad abt it and kept rattling on abt how marvelous, incredible and breath-taking it is. Yeah.

But when we arrived, it was kinda disappointing. :( The only flowers blooming were some sunflowers and a something-or-other that kinda looked like tall grass .__. You know, those grass you see on Animal Planet, in Africa where the cheetahs are pouncing on the innocent antelopes? (I wonder why they keep chasing antelopes. Surely they'd get bored after eating them for like, thousand of yrs? :O)
Sunflowers! God. That pipe over there looks like a snake ._.
Close up.
Gosh. That one in the middle there looks sad. Why isn't it facing the sun? Aw. He's lonely :( 
Sunflowers!!! :))
Yeah okey. I didn't take pics of those tall grassy things cuz they look ugly and sad =3= Ahem. Yes I knw flowers are supposed to be beautiful things and I have no right to say they're ugly, but I'm telling the truth -.-

Oh yes. All the other flowers weren't there cuz it was winter when we went. And you knw what happens to flowers on winter, dontcha? :P They shrivel up and wither. Boohoohoo :'( xDD Yeah so if you're visiting 新社花海 in Taichung sometime, be sure you're going on spring, autumn or even summer. If it's winter time when you're visiting, don't bother then. =,=
Yeah this is what 花海 looks like during, idk, spring or something? :o I copied this off their website
This is their official website:
Address, transport info, tel. no etc. available at website!!

So the 花海 wasn't very breath-taking or whatever shit that my cousin-uncle told my Dad...So instead we headed to another destination - Lavender Cottage! (薰衣草森林) :)) It was one of my most anticipated destinations cuz all the bloggers online said that it was utterly beau-ti-FUL! :DD

It was juz nearby to 花海, but still the journey took almost an hour..cuz Lavender Cottage was near the peak of a mountain, we had to travel up. :P Perfect time for a quick snooze in the car! :) Or perhaps you might want to stay awake cuz the view was pretty amazing :D Sadly I did not manage to take pictures (again) cuz the car was moving...

But I might have to warn you, the trip up the mountain is pretty jerky, plus the road is constantly winding this way and that, and it's really narrow. Gotta be careful!!! :)

After a shaky trip up the mountain, we finally arrived :D The weather was pretty good; breezy but not too cold or windy. A sweater or long-sleeved shirt, jeans and a warm jacket is enough. ;D Though you might want to bring ur scarf along, in case it gets suddenly freezy. :/

If you're interested, here's the website:
Address, transportation info, tel. no etc. available at website!!

So here it is (Warning: be prepared for huge blast of photos)
Oh yes. The fox's head and the flower baby thing ._. Well there were people there and I accidentally took pics of them too -.- 
My brothers. Hehe >:D
You can make bookmarks for ur frens and family in here! :))
These are cards for writing down ur wishes :D Then you go up to the top of a mountain, where there is a Wishing Tree for you to hang the card :) 
Yes abt the Wishing cards and tree... There's a huge Wishing Tree on top of a mountain, and you can go up there to write ur wishes and hang them up (they provide strings and you can hang them like, anywhere! :D) Sadly I did not manage to take pics of the Wishing Tree as I was busy making wishes.. :(
Making our way up the mountain...
Mountain path
Yes this is sort of a Wishing Hut or something..for you to make Xmas wishes!! :)) Yes the gingerbread man's head.. -.-
Nyumz..candies and treaties! ;P
Plants and herbs...You can buy some of the leaves or something to make herbal tea :) It's good for you. :D And some have lovely fragrances :P 
You can send postcards!! :))
They have cute quotes everywhere!!
Vanilla House (香草House) There's a newlywed couple taking wedding photos over there! :)
Loads of perfumes, herbs, stuff like that :D
Woww..Pretty!! I want this room! xDD (But deary me, it's too simple ain't it ._.)
And lo and behold, my impressive collection of random signs I have taken pictures of!! xD
There's supposed to be fireflies in March and April :) If you're in Taichung during these two months,  be sure to pay a visit!! :D
Now for the food..!! :)
The 1st page of the menu.. cute huh? :P
The view behind me.. seated at the cafe.
My bro's cupcake!! Looks delicious o.o
My mom's quiche thingy...Had a bit of it, pretty scrumptious! :D
My peach-mango drink :D I'm not sure if it's peach-mango ._. At least I knew it was something-with-mango :P
My Dad's latte. Aren't the patterns pretty? *.*
Roast chicken!! :D Nyumz! (My Dad had already cut open the half of it, and when I tried to stop him to snap a pic of it, it was too late.. -.-)
Roast chicken + Rice = DELICIOUS!!  
After lunch (or more like tea as it was near to 2:30 =3=) we set off towards 月光森林 (Luna Forest), it was said to be really really pretty and all natural-y and stuff...but we were disappointed once agn.. D: Mainly because we arrived at around 3:30pm, and there's nothing to see around this time of day. But the night view of Luna Forest is amazing, we've heard!! :) So if you can spare some time, spend an evening there watching the sun go down or even spend a night there! :D You won't regret it. :P (Though I'm not sure abt going during winter time cuz it was winter when we were there, and really; nothing special :<) But on the bright side, the food is A-MA-ZING!
View from balcony
Oh and here come Max and Ruby!!!! :DD Hehehe :P
My bros and I names them Max and Ruby cuz we saw a show with two sibling bunnies in it called Max & Ruby xD We assumed the brown one was a girl... .___.
Now here's FOOD!! ;D
I have no idea what that sticky yellow syrup-y thing is, but this is absolutely DELICIOUS!! :))
Waffles! Nyumz. Absolutely HEAVENLY!!. Must-have! ;P Best eaten with syrup :D
We drank the rose tea.. and it was pretty good :) Beauty uses!! ;D xP


[to be continued...]