Thursday, December 26, 2013

Taichung, Taiwan 2013 -Part 2

The third day (9 Dec) we went to a local Taiwan pasar (meaning market in Malay). :D It was not so crowded as we went on a weekday, but still it was bustling with aunties out grocery shopping and shrieking hawkers. Not much a difference from our typical Malaysian pasar, apart from the fact that the market was way cleaner than our pasar back home. :/

While we were stopping at some random stalls to check some stuff out, some of the hawkers and aunties looked at me with a confused expression and then proceeded to ask me: "Ei, 你今天怎么不用上学啊?" Which means "Ei, why aren't you in skul today?" LOL. Malaysia and Taiwan have different skul systems and therefore their holidays are different too. We in Malaysia have one and a half month off in the end of the year which is about mid November to the end of December. Skul starts on the beginning of January the following year, plus we have two weeks' holidays around the middle of the year and LOADS of random public holidays scattered along the whole year. On the other hand Taiwan follows the skul system of the US and UK and therefore have two or three months' summer holidays around July until September. They have only two or three days' holidays around the whole year. Thus so the aunties and hawkers mistake me as a Taiwanese and thought I was skipping skul. Haha. xDD
Outside the storefront selling children's clothes
The tiny storefront selling children's clothes :)
After pausing at this children's clothes store, we split up and headed two ways: my Mom, grandmother and my grandmother's sister went one way to the clothes boutique which apparently is owned by my grandmother's sister's friend. Or someone-or-other. I'm not sure ._. 

While on the other hand, my Dad, my two brothers and I headed the other way to find a drinks store because my brother (let's just call him "Koko". It means "big brother" and even though I'm bigger than him, all of my family members called him that cuz my youngest brother calls him that ._. Imagine my 60 yr old grandma call him "big brother". LOL. Plain weird. Haha. Anyways back to the topic cuz I'm getting sick of writing a whole load of crap in brackets. xD) started wailing that he was thirsty. And I do mean "wailing". Huge crybaby. >:D

Mm hmm. The market was a pretty huge one, we had only covered, like, half of it or something. There was still the other end on the other side of the post office :O It was pretty fun to go shopping there, as all the clothes are trendy yet cheap! :) The quality is pretty good too! I've washed all the clothes I've bought there, and none of them seems to have signs of flaking or losing colors! :DD

We left the market at about lunch time and headed to 五权西四街 (Wuquan West 4th Street), where loads of the prettiest and beautifully themed restaurants are. It's a few streets down from where the National Taiwan Museum of Fine Arts (国立台湾美术馆) is, so you can easily walk over to the museum after lunch! :) As the Chinese saying goes: 饭后百步走,活到九十九 Which means walking 100 steps after a meal makes you live until 99 yrs old xP Idk if it's true, but it's surely worth a try! :D Though come to think of it, a walk from 五权西四街to the Museum might be way longer than 100 steps.

We saw two of the most famous restaurants that were highly recommended by a lot of bloggers online, 安徒生童话乡村厨 (Andersen Stories) and 小意大利 (Little Italy) :) I snapped a pic of the 安徒生童话乡村厨, but sadly did not manage to take a photo of 小意大利 as it was renovating :(
Andersen Stories :)
A random restaurant ._.
We finally decided to have lunch at Andersen Stories :D It was very fairytale-ish and pretty :))
That's the front door over there :P
The bar :D Duckies!!
The bar :D Why are there duckies everywhere? ._. LOL.
Quote on wall: 如果你是一颗天鹅蛋,那么即使出生在养鸭场,也无所谓
Meaning: If you're a swan's egg, then it won't be a problem even if you're born in a duck farm
Yes about the faces. It's to protect the people in the pic :D In a cute way xD
The upstairs landing. Little Mermaid! :P
The toilet at the far back. Are those dwarfs PEEPING?! OMFG xDD
Taken from across the toilets. And yeah, that's my brother over there (You recall? "Koko") snapping pics with my Dad's camera. He SPECIFICALLY told me not to put cutesy cartoons over his face, so I put in Spiderman! :D
Each table has a stuffed animal! LOL. So cute xD Yes the pink tiger is squashed ._. 
Random table
Another random table! I love these tables. I would've snapped pics of 'em all but there were other customers seated :O Quote on wall: 信仰比知识更令人感到快乐 Meaning: Religion makes people happier than knowledge
Decorations on wall.
The main course page of the menu.
Kiddie section!! :DD
Quote on wall: 整个世界就像是我的家乡 Meaning: The whole world is just like my hometown
FOOD!! Om nom nom... Looks delicious huh? *drooling*
Yeah about the food...We actually ordered loads! But I didn't get to take pics of all of 'em as everyone was starving.. (´ q ` ” ) But if you're dining at Andersen's, I fully recommend the baked cheese delicacies (焗烤)! They are absolutely SCRUMPTIOUS! True story. I was the only one who ordered spaghetti and to be frank, it was just okay. But since mine took a whole lot longer to arrive, I nibbled on some of my grandma's baked cheese chicken wings. Well to sum it up, I no longer felt hungry for my spaghetti when it finally arrived. Instead I ate like half of my grandma's order! :P Nyum nyumz.
View of Wuquan West 4th Street. And yes that's Andersen's over there.
[to be continued...]

#PS, oh and if you're wondering, the photos are taken by an Apple iPad Mini, not a professional camera.

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