Wednesday, December 25, 2013

Taichung, Taiwan 2013 -Part 1

Hi! :) I know I've promised a travel update on all the details of my trip but I've been very lazy recently... Sorry for the delay! <(_  _)>

So we arrived safely at the Taichung Ching-Chuan-Kang Airport (清泉岗机场) on the evening of the 7th of December. It took around 7 hours, as we flew directly to Hong Kong to transit to Taiwan. It would take around 4 hours if flying directly to Taiwan. It was an awesome flight cuz the plane had TVs :D Yayyyy! xDD Cathay Pacific Airlines RULE! :) ^_^

It was about nighttime when we arrived (Yeah I forgot the time ._. I think it's 9pm?) We stopped by our relatives' house to pick up on a few of our stuff. Food, to be exact. FOOD! *.* My all time favs are 洪瑞珍饼家三明治. Their sandwiches taste like heaven. And yes I'm not exaggerating.
I did not take this pic. Copyrights reserve! xD (Though I have no idea what it means) But yeah anyways, the ones I had looked exactly like this.
We booked into our hotel, 上豪大饭店. It was okay, I guess. Full of antique and old-people stuff. Bleah. But yeah, there's antique everywhere. There's even a set of antique wooden chairs in the lobby on the ground floor. Apparently it costs millions. My parents sniffed those out. They have a knack of sniffing out priceless antique crap. ._.

The next day (8 Dec) we went shopping at Chung-Yo(中友百货). It has, like, 15 floors and is a TOTAL shopping paradise! 。◕‿◕。 A MUST GO for shopaholics if you're stopping by Taichung!! There are loads of different departments, like the Japanese Teens Department (日系少女服饰), the Office Lady Department (上班族女装), Imported Clothing Department (进口服装) and a whole department dedicated to all the latest fashion trends (潮流名品)! :))

[to be continued..]

#PS, if you're wondering about the sudden lack of my random emoticons, I've grown out of them; I've been reading through my last few posts, and the emoticons are SO zodeng!! Oh yeah. And that means annoying and blocking. :P

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